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American Airlines ввела специальное расширенное исключение для наших туристических партнеров, которое теперь доступно для наших общих клиентов в связи с продолжающимся воздействием коронавируса. Данное исключение из правил действует для маршрутов, включающих путешествия в или из Европейского Союза, стран Шенгенского соглашения, Великобритании, Гонконга, Австралии, Новой Зеландии, Израиля, Японии или Южной Африки.

В Европейский Союз (ЕС) входят: Австрия, Бельгия, Болгария, Хорватия, Республика Кипр, Чешская Республика, Дания, Эстония, Финляндия, Франция, Германия, Греция, Венгрия, Ирландия, Италия, Латвия, Литва, Люксембург, Мальта, Нидерланды, Польша, Португалия, Румыния, Словакия, Словения, Испания и Швеция.

Шенгенские страны включают: Австрия, Бельгия, Чешская Республика, Дания, Эстония, Финляндия, Франция, Германия, Греция, Венгрия, Исландия, Италия, Латвия, Лихтенштейн, Литва, Люксембург, Мальта, Нидерланды, Норвегия, Польша, Словакия, Словения, Испания, Швеция, Швейцария.

Великобритания Включает в себя: Англия, Шотландия, Уэльс и Северная Ирландия

Наши полисы исключения из правил путешествий на American Airlines также доступны при оформлении билетов по акции 001 для путешествий на AA Prime, AA*/AY, AA*/BA, AA*/IB, AA*/JL и AA*/QF. =============================== 

Issued: September 15, 2021

Update 3: November 30, 2021

  • Add Japan and South Africa
  • Extend Ticketed On/Before dates

American Airlines has implemented a special extended waiver for our travel partners that is now available for our mutual customers due to the ongoing impact from the Coronavirus.   This Travel Notice exception policy is valid for itineraries which include ticketed travel to or from the European Union, Schengen countries, United Kingdom, Hong Kong, Australia, New Zealand, Israel, Japan or South Africa.

The European Union (EU) includes: Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Republic of Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain and Sweden 

Schengen Countries include: Austria, Belgium, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Italy, Latvia, Liechtenstein, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland 

United Kingdom Includes:  England, Scotland, Wales, and Northern Ireland

Our Travel Notice exception policies on American are also available when ticketed on 001 ticket stock for travel on AA Prime, AA*/AY, AA*/BA, AA*/IB, AA*/JL and AA*/QF


Special Travel Exception Policy

Affected Airport Codes:

All cities 

Note: this waiver valid for itineraries which include ticketed travel to or from the European Union, Schengen countries, United Kingdom, Hong Kong, Australia, New Zealand, Israel, Japan or South Africa

Tickets Issued On/Before:

Original Ticket Issue date:*
March 1, 2020 – December 31, 2021 

Basic Economy tickets with Point of Commencement of North/South America and Asia issued on/after 01APR21 are non-changeable and are excluded from this extension 

For original tickets issued 
March 1, 2019 – February 28, 2020, refer to the policy:
Coronavirus Global Flexibility Waiver

Impacted Travel Dates:

March 1, 2020 – December 31, 2021

New Travel Dates:

Now through December 31, 2022

  • All tickets in accordance with this Travel Notice will be valid through December 31, 2022
  • Travel on the new ticket must be completed by December 31, 2022

Refer to Extend Travel Rebooking Guidelines

Reissuance of Tickets On/Before:

Same day as flight rebooking

Inventory Requirements:

None required

Applicable change fee is waived, any fare difference, higher or lower applies

Endorsement Box Requirements:

Ticket Reissue Required


Changes to Origin/Destination:


*fare difference applies

Refer to Changes to Origin/Destination

Changes to Stopover City:

Not Allowed

Changes to Connection City:


Changes to Co-Terminal:


Extended Travel Rebooking:

Applicable to tickets whose dates are in accordance with this Travel Notice ticket issue dates and impacted dates

Refund Eligibility:

No Refund Allowed

Travel to/from/through on American, and JB Operated and Marketed Flights:

Refer to Reissue Policy Information within the Travel Notice

Sales Support Authorization

SalesLink Service Request does not apply


Affected Airports - City and Country Association:

  • All Cities

Note: this waiver valid for itineraries which include ticketed travel to or from the European Union, Schengen countries, United Kingdom, Great Britain, Hong Kong, Australia, New Zealand, Israel, Japan or South Africa

This information can also be found on SalesLink by viewing: .......................................................................................................
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As always, we appreciate your continued business!


Agency Relations
American Airlines Global Sales

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