Звезда не активнаЗвезда не активнаЗвезда не активнаЗвезда не активнаЗвезда не активна

Dear Travel Partner,

Our Book with Confidence & flexibility for new and existing bookings policy has been updated and is available on our website. Updates include:

  • Extended BwC to bookings ticketed any time, for travel (outbound or inbound) between 14-Mar-20 and 31-Aug-20 (previously 31-July-20)

  • Extended BwC to new bookings made between 03-Mar-20 and 31-Aug-20 (previously 31-July-20), for travel up to and completed by 30-April-2021 (previously 31-Dec-20)

Contact Centre

  • We are pleased to inform you that our contact centres are fully operational again and all Trade Support lines are open for business as normal

  • Please check CONTACT US pages for information on your market’s opening hours


We continue to have the following webforms available online for queries:

  • COVID-19 webform

  • NDC COVID-19 webform for NDC refunds or credit

  • We have launched a new webform, for agents to request residual value EMD, which can be found on our website. Please note the new webform is available for non-Amadeus users where your GDS provider does not already support residual value EMD functionality on British Airways 125 tickets

British Airways

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