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AZ - Alitalia


here below the procedure related to Coronavirus infection.
Ad hoc Groups/Incentives
As per contract rules.


Group Passengerswho stayed in Italian areas of epidemiological risk COVID-19 (as defined by D.P.C.M. 23 feb 2020, D.L.  23 feb 2020, n. 6):

For group bookings made until 22Feb20 for departure 23Feb20-07Mar20: 

a.    Rebooking allowed until 30 June 20 (same fare if flights are available or revaluation of the if it is a different destination)
b.    Refund for issued tickets
c.    Cancellation without penalty if tickets are not issued

For the refund passengers have to provide to AZ Sales Offices a self-declaration stating that they have stayed in the Italian areas (as above reported)  during the restriction period.

Groups Mauritius

For bookings made until 24 February 2020 and for departure from 24 February 2020:  

•    Passengers coming from Lombardia/Veneto/Emilia Romagna with tickets issued

  • Rebooking until 30 June 2020 
  • Refund

•    Passengers coming from Lombardia/Veneto/Emilia Romagna, with no issued tickets 

  •    Rebooking until 30 June 2020  
  •    Cancellation penalty waiver

Travel agency must send to AZ Sales Offices the list of the passengers cancelled coming from the areas of epidemiological risks with a self-declaration that they live in those areas.

Groups Telaviv

Passengers, travelling from 27 February 2020 to 07 March 2020, originating from Italy to destination Telaviv and passengers in transit in Italy for more than 6 hours, are allowed to:
•    Rebook until 30 Jun 2020
•    Refund issued tickets
•    Cancel without penalty 


For school trips travelling to areas not interested by the epidemiological risks, contract rules apply.

Sports events

For those sports events postponed, travel agencies must send to AZ Sales Offices an official communication with the new date of the event to be postponed.

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