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Уважаемые партнеры!

Просим обратить внимание на новые правила возврата таксы YQ Azerbaijan Airlines (AZAL).

Дата вступления в силу: 01.03.2025

Previous Policy:

  • YQ was fully refundable.
  • Taxes and fees were refundable in case of a ticket refund.
  • The tax amount could be reused in the case of a ticket exchange.

Updated Policy:

  • If the fare is non-refundable, YQ will also be non-refundable.
  • Unused specified taxes are non-refundable if at least one fare component in the pricing unit is non-refundable.
  • For journeys with multiple pricing units, specified taxes associated with fully refundable fare components will remain refundable.
The tax / Fee is refundable in case of ticket refund
The tax fee / amount can be reused in case of ticket exchange
Unused specified taxes are non-refundable if at least one fare component in the pricing unit is non-refundable. If the journey includes multiple pricing units, specified taxes associated to pricing units with only refundable fare components remain refundable.

Ждем Вас и Ваших пассажиров на рейсах авиакомпании AZAL!

AZAL Sales Team

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