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Мы хотели бы напомнить Вам о важности и необходимости добавления действительной контактной информации (Электронная почта / Мобильный / Телефон) пассажиров в соответствии с резолюцией IATA (830D) во всех пунктах поездки в рамках элемента SSR (пожалуйста , найдите прилагаемую ссылку). Если пассажир отказался предоставить свои контактные данные, необходимо обязательно добавить SSR CTCR, чтобы уменьшить любую юридическую ответственность.

Пожалуйста, обратите внимание, что в соответствии с Политикой бронирования RJ, если информация о пассажире была введена агентом неправильно или если агент не ввел информацию о пассажире, тогда агент несет всю ответственность, и RJ имеет право списать с этого агента плату за обработку (за претензию), как указано в настоящем документе, в дополнение к любым убыткам, которые понесла RJ, таким как: плата за неявку, плата за изменение бронирования, разница в тарифе, перенаправленные билеты, а также стоимость компенсации пассажиру и любые связанные с этим расходы и расходы, оплачиваемые авиакомпанией в этом отношении в дополнение к любым административным сборам.

200 долларов США За претензию Плюс ADM с полной компенсацией суммы пассажиру

Пожалуйста, разошлите это сообщение всем туристическим агентствам в вашем регионе.

Мы ценим вашу приверженность и понимание.


Dear colleagues,

Good day,

We would like to remind you of the importance and the necessity of adding a valid contact information (Email/Mobile/Phone) of the passengers according to IATA resolution (830D) at all points of journey under SSR element, (please find the attached reference). If the passenger declined to provide his/her contact details, it is mandatory to add SSR CTCR to reduce any legal liability.

Kindly note that according to RJ Booking Policy, If passenger’s information was entered incorrectly by the agent or if the agent did not enter the passenger’s information, then the agent shall bear the whole responsibility and RJ has the right to debit that agent for a processing fee (per claim) as mentioned herein, in addition to any losses that RJ has suffered, such as: no-show fees, changing reservation fees, difference in fare, rerouted tickets, and the compensation cost to the passenger and any related costs and expenses paid by the airline in this respect in addition to any administrative fees.

200 USD Per Claim Plus ADM with full amount compensated to the passenger

Please circulate this to all travel agencies under your area.

We appreciate your commitment and understanding.

Best regards,

*To be distributed to travel agents*

According to latest system enhancements , travel agents in your markets will start receiving automatic notifications from RJ reminding them that they shall ask their passengers for the correct and reachable telephone & email using IATA correct SSR CTCM & CTCE elements- as per IATA resolution 830d- and insert them in the PNR after passenger consent is obtained in compliance with any data protection directives or regulations.

In case of passenger refusal to provide their contact details , the agent shall use the IATA correct SSR CTCR- as per IATA resolution 830d- in the PNR to communicate this to RJ, and shall insure that the passengers are aware that they may not receive information from RJ related to schedule changes, flight delays or cancelations.

In case the contact SSRs were not added, added with incorrect information, or secured/concealed , travel agent will be liable for none compliance with RJ reservation & booking policy, and will be responsible of informing the passenger of schedule changes, flight delays or cancelations.

Please circulate this to all agents and offices under your area.

Below is the format of the SSR CTCM/CTCE/CTCR per GDS. If further details about the entries are needed please advise the agents to contact their GDS local offices:

  • Amadeus GDS

Passenger’s mobile number:  SRCTCM-0060123456789 

Passenger’s mobile number with passenger association: SRCTCM-60123456789/P2 (only numeric)

Passenger’s email address: SRCTCE-TRAINING..MY//AMADEUS.COM

Passenger’s email address with passenger association: SRCTCE-TRAINING..MY//AMADEUS.COM/P2

To register that the passenger refuses to provide contact: SR CTCR-PAX REFUSED TO PROVIDE CTC

  • Note, you must use: 

“..” (double dot) in place of “_” (underscore)

 “//” (double slash) in place of “@” (ampersand)

“./” (dot slash) in place “-” (dash)

  • Sabre GDS

3CTCM(Segment)/(Phone Number)-(Name Association)

Add a contact mobile/cell phone number to a specific segment for the airline to use in case of irregular operations (IROP).
EXAMPLE: 3CTCM2/1111111111-1.1

3CTCE/(email address)/(language code)-(Name Association)

Add a contact email to all segments and a name field for the airline to use in case of irregular operations (IROP).

3CTCR(segment)/(free text)-(Name Association)

Add that passenger refused to provide IROP emergency contact with segment select, for any airline except American Airlines.

  • Things to Know

How do I include "@" in the e-mail added in the emergency contact information (3CTCE)?

Use // in place of the @ sign in the e-mail address.

How do I include an underscore "_" in the e-mail address in the emergency contact information (3CTCE)?

Use .. in place of the _ in the email address.

How do I include a dash "-" in the e-mail address in the emergency contact information (3CTCE)?

Use ./ in place of the - in the email address.

  • Travelport GDSs




  • Travelsky GDS

SSR CTCM RJ HK1 1234567890/P1                                                                              


*SSR CTCR is not available on Travelsky GDS

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