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Когда мы возобновим наши услуги в Эр-Рияде, Саудовская Аравия, в среду, 23 июня, пожалуйста, имейте в виду, что любой из ваших клиентов, желающих путешествовать по этому маршруту, должен соответствовать требованиям въезда в Саудовскую Аравию, чтобы иметь возможность путешествовать.

Если ваши путешественники были вакцинированы:

Критерии для этого следующие:

Граждане или резиденты Саудовской Аравии:


Для нерезидентов:

Если ваши путешественники не были вакцинированы:

Если ваши клиенты относятся к этой категории, путешественники должны пройти домашний карантин в течение 7 дней и пройти тест на ПЦР COVID-19 во время домашнего карантина.

Для получения дополнительной информации см. Последние рекомендации правительства Великобритании по требованиям для въезда.

Другая важная информация

Спасибо за понимание. Мы с нетерпением ждем возможности приветствовать ваших клиентов на борту.  

С уважением,

British Airways  

*Сотрудники некоторых государственных учреждений освобождаются от институционального карантина и вместо этого могут помещаться в карантин в штаб-квартире своего работодателя. Сюда входят сотрудники Министерства здравоохранения, Министерства национальной гвардии по вопросам здравоохранения, Министерства образования, Медицинских служб Вооруженных сил, Медицинских служб МВД, Специализированной больницы и исследовательского центра Короля Фейсала, Президентства Общей разведки, Президентства государственной безопасности, Королевской клиники, Саудовской Арамко, Королевской комиссии по Джубайлю и Янбу, Главного спортивного управления и Министерства людских ресурсов и социального развития.


info-icon.png?v=1622010424 Restart of Riyadh services and Saudi Arabia entry requirements

As we restart our services into Riyadh, Saudi Arabia on Wednesday 23rd June please be aware that any of your customers wishing to travel on this route must meet the Saudi Arabia entry requirements to be able to travel.

  • All non-Saudi Arabian travellers need to provide evidence of a negative PCR COVID-19 test certificate. The test must be done no later than 72 hours before the scheduled departure for the Kingdom. Children under the age of 8 are exempt from this.
  • All non-Saudi Arabian travellers must fill out the Registration Immunization Information Form before traveling to the Kingdom. Please register here.
  • All travellers (excluding Saudi Arabia citizens, residents and Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) citizens) also need to have medical insurance that covers the risks of COVID-19.
  • All travellers must download and register on the Tawakkalna Application upon arrival.

If your travellers have been vaccinated:

  • Travellers who have been vaccinated are exempted from quarantine (home or institutional), on the condition they present proof that they have received the required doses of the following vaccines authorised by the Saudi Arabian Ministry of Health. Accepted vaccine suppliers include Pfizer-BioNTech, Oxford-AstraZeneca, Moderna and Johnson & Johnson’s Janssen.

The criteria for above is as follows:

Saudi Arabian citizens or residents:  

  • Those who are fully vaccinated against COVID‑19 and whose status shows Immune in the Tawakkalna app.


  • Those who have completed 14 days since their first dose of an approved vaccine, or those who have recovered from COVID‑19 within the last 6 months.

For Non‑residents:

  • Travellers must have completed 14 days since receiving all doses of a vaccine authorised by the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.

If your travellers have not been vaccinated:

  • Non-Saudi Arabia citizens must quarantine at a facility for seven days on arrival. Your customers must book their quarantine package with Kanoo Travel at least 36 hours before they fly. Packages can be booked and paid for here, or by emailing Kanoo at Адрес электронной почты защищен от спам-ботов. Для просмотра адреса в вашем браузере должен быть включен Javascript. or calling them on +966 138401709. Packages include two COVID-19 tests, which must be taken on day 1 and 7 of quarantine. Once booked a voucher will be issued, your travellers should print this prior to arriving at the airport.
  • Exemptions from institutional quarantine include Saudi Arabia citizens and their families, diplomats and their families, health practitioners and their families, domestic workers travelling with vaccinated citizens and employees from select government entities*.

If your customers are in this category travellers must home quarantine for 7 days and take a PCR COVID-19 test during their home quarantine.

For more information, see the UK Government’s latest advice on entry requirements.

Other important information

  • If your customers are unable to travel, please inform them to not come to the airport. Our Booking with Confidence commitment means you can change their booking without incurring a change fee or cancel their booking for a voucher. You can also contact us via trade support.   
  • You can find the latest information on ba.com/COVID-19.   

Thank you for your understanding. We look forward to welcoming your customers on board.   


British Airways   

*Employees from select government entities are exempt from institutional quarantine and can instead quarantine in their employer headquarters. This includes employees from Ministry of Health, Ministry of National Guard – Health Affairs, Ministry of Education, Armed Forces Medical Services, MOI Medical Services, King Faisal Specialist Hospital & Research Centre, General Intelligence Presidency, Presidency of State Security, Royal Clinic, Saudi Aramco, Royal Commission for Jubail and Yanbu, General Sport Authority and Ministry of Human Resources and Social Development.

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