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LO-logoУважаемые агенты, просим Вас обратить внимание на изменение тарифов LOT для Unaccompanied Minors и тарифов на изменение имени или фамилии пассажира во вложении. Данные изменения вступают в силу с 11 августа 2014 года. Просьба применять информацию в работе.




80pln/20eur/27usd/27-cad or equiv


Flight GDN-WAW-TBS: 80pln +170pln charge Flight KRK-WAW-ORD : 80pln +330pln charge


The charge is applicable to each UMNR child but sisters/brothers travelling together are charged only once. One charge can be applied for max two children…



PLL LOT introduces the following policy of name changes in reservations on all PLL LOT operating flights:

  1. Name changes on all PLL LOT operating flights are not allowed

  2. Passengers name change is exceptionally allowed in one of the following cases:

    • Passenger name written incorrectly (up to 3 letters)

    • Change of passenger marital status

    • Misplacement of passenger first and last name

  3. PLL LOT also allows name changes in case of a ticket issued in accordance with corporate agreements CIP/”LOT DLA FIRM” on the following basis:

    • There must be a signed agreement between PLL LOT and the corporate client or the

      corporate client must participate in the “LOT DLA FIRM” programme

    • Name change is allowed in one of the following classes only: c/d/z/p/a/r/j/y/b/m/e/h/k/q; in all other rbds name change is not permitted.

  4. Name change restrictions mentioned above do not concern M&M and group passengers.

  5. Sales representatives are not entitled to give their authorization to desist from above principles.

  6. Each name change mentioned in point 2 and 3 is a subject to a fee of 250pln/60eur/82usd/82cad or equiv.

  7. For corporate agreements CIP/”LOT DLA FIRM” name change procedure can be applied only

    after PNR is ticketed.

  8. It is mandatory to add to the PNR a special, additional SSR element in order to collect a charge and create EMD-A. It must always be inserted according to the below format: SR OTHS NAME CHANGE

  9. After each EMD-A document is issued, it is mandatory to add to the PNR a special, additional SSR element directed to check-in staff – SR CKIN. It must always be inserted according to the below format:

SR CKIN LO HK1 – EMD080-8276543671

RM bureau kindly requests to communicate the above policy to all subordinate services, help desks (top agent, call center) and sales representatives responsible for all markets in urgent mode.

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