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Предлагаем  ознакомиться с политикой СХ и дочерней авиакомпании КА по Agency Debit Memo (ADM) для турагентств.

Cathay Pacific Airways Limited (CX)


Hong Kong Dragon Airlines Limited (KA) Debit and Credit Memo Policy for Russian Travel Agents

  1. Agency Debit Memo (ADM) Policy for Travel Agents

    CX/KA may issue ADMs to agents to collect amounts or make adjustments related to issuance and use of BSP Standard Traffic Documents validated on CX/KA, regardless of which carriers are included in the itinerary.

    In general, the scope covers but not limits to:

    1. Undercollection and/or omission on fares, tour package prices, compensation, penalties, re-booking fees, service charges, fuel surcharges etc.

    2. Undercollection and/or omission of taxes, any government or local authority charges and fees; etc.

    3. Commission over-claimed

    4. Contravention of fare, tax and refund rules

    5. Excess refund

    6. Recall of commission on refunds

    7. Non compliance with CX/KA GDS ticketing and booking procedures

    8. Non compliance with terms and conditions of Sales Agreements

    9. Unreported traffic documents

    10. Credit card chargeback

    11. Administration fee for form of payment change

    12. Duplicate use/refund of traffic documents

    13. Errors made either by the agent or BSP Processing Centre in BSP report

Note: Alternative uses of ADMs are permitted if agreed bilaterally between CX/KA and the agent.

  1. Processing of ADMs

    1. CX/KA would issue ADMs to agents through BSPlink on a daily basis. To adjust sales, ADM can be issued within nine months of the final travel date or the expiry date of the document if the final travel date cannot be established. To adjust refund, ADM can be issued within nine months of the BSP remittance date on which the refund document was processed. Any debit action initiated beyond the afore-mentioned period, CX/KA will handle directly with the agent.

      With the following exceptions:

      1. Omission and/or undercollection of taxes and local authority charges and fees for tax reporting and audit purpose.

      2. Unreported sales and credit card chargebacks

    2. CX/KA would not send physical copies of ADMs to agents but will provide agents with supporting documents and breakdowns of the debit upon request. For complicated calculations and with ADM issued for a series of tickets on taxes and surcharges, supporting listing and breakdowns will be attached to ADM in BSPlink at the time of issuance.

    3. CX/KA would not issue more than one ADM to recall fare/surcharges/taxes in relation to the same ticket unless the nature of collection or adjustment is totally different from the previously issued ADM. For instance, the agent subsequently refunds the ticket and it is found over-refunded, CX/KA would send another ADM to the agent in relation to that ticket which an ADM has been sent before for under-report of fare/surcharge/taxes.

    4. CX/KA would issue an ADM for a specific transaction only, and will not group unrelated transaction together. However, more than one charge can be included in one ADM if the reason for the charge is the same.

    5. Unless otherwise agreed, CX/KA would not issue ADMs to collect third party costs not directly associated with the initial ticket of a passenger journey.

  2. ADM Correspondence and Dispute

      1. Agents if dispute the ADMs issued by CX/KA should email to BSP#Адрес электронной почты защищен от спам-ботов. Для просмотра адреса в вашем браузере должен быть включен Javascript. with reasons.

      2. CX/KA would respond agent’s ADM disputes within 60 days of receipt as per IATA Resolution 850.

      3. For any valid dispute submitted after expiry of BSPlink latency period and up to six months from date of ADM, CX/KA reserve the right to charge a late fee which would be deducted from the credit memo issued to the agency. Any ADM dispute submitted after six months from date of ADM will not be entertained.

      4. Dispute for tickets issued under Global Distribution System (GDS) fare guarantees should be made to GDSs. Reimbursement for ADMs deducted through BSPlink should be made to agents directly by GDS.

  3. Report of short payment by ADM request through BSPlink

3.1. In line with the automation of sales summary adjustment by BSP, agents should report short payment by ADM Request function through BSPlink to CX/KA for authorization.

  1. Online ACM Request on BSPlink by Agents

    1. In line with the automation of sales summary adjustment by BSP, agents should submit ACM Request through BSPlink to CX for authorization. Copies of supporting documents should be scanned and sent as an attachment to the ACM Request. Absence of supporting would result in delay in processing of ACM Request.

  2. Permitted Time Frame and Minimum Adjustment Amount

    1. Adjustment request would not be accepted after one year from date of issuance of ticket.

    2. Amounts less than 5 euro per transaction will not be handled.

  3. Administration Fee

    1. CX/KA would levy an administration fee 10 euro on agency commission not deducted or short deducted at source and reserves the right to amend this admin. fee to cover transaction costs that are related to the processing of ACM.

  4. Processing of ACM Request

    1. CX/KA will only process ACMs from agents for transactions with the same reason.

      Grouping of unrelated transactions in one ACM Request is not permitted. 4.2.CX/KA would authorize ACM Request from agents online in BSPlink.

      • CX/KA would state reason(s) and/or revised value for rejected ACM Request on BSPlink. Agent can re-submit ACM Request on BSPlink with revised value.

      • For rejected ACM Request, no ACM will be issued unless it is bilaterally agreed between CX/KA and the agent for re-submission through ACM Request in BSPlink.

Although the above summarize the ADM/ACM policy of CX/KA, they should not be construed as complete and final as they will be reviewed and subject to change by CX/KA from time to time when needed. In the event of recurrent abuse, suspected fraud and other extraordinary circumstances, an in-depth audit may be performed, and the above would no longer be considered as valid.

2. Online ACM Request on BSPlink by Agents

4.3. In line with the automation of sales summary adjustment by BSP, agents should submit ACM Request through BSPlink to CX for authorization. Copies of supporting documents should be scanned and sent as an attachment to the ACM Request. Absence of supporting would result in delay in processing of ACM Request.

  1. Permitted Time Frame and Minimum Adjustment Amount

    1. Adjustment request would not be accepted after one year from date of issuance of ticket.

    2. Amounts less than 5 euro per transaction will not be handled.

  2. Administration Fee

    1. CX/KA would levy an administration fee 10 euro on agency commission not deducted or short deducted at source and reserves the right to amend this admin. fee to cover transaction costs that are related to the processing of ACM.

  3. Processing of ACM Request

    1. CX/KA will only process ACMs from agents for transactions with the same reason.

      Grouping of unrelated transactions in one ACM Request is not permitted. 7.2.CX/KA would authorize ACM Request from agents online in BSPlink.

      • CX/KA would state reason(s) and/or revised value for rejected ACM Request on BSPlink. Agent can re-submit ACM Request on BSPlink with revised value.

      • For rejected ACM Request, no ACM will be issued unless it is bilaterally agreed between CX/KA and the agent for re-submission through ACM Request in BSPlink.

Although the above summarize the ADM/ACM policy of CX/KA, they should not be construed as complete and final as they will be reviewed and subject to change by CX/KA from time to time when needed. In the event of recurrent abuse, suspected fraud and other extraordinary circumstances, an in-depth audit may be performed, and the above would no longer be considered as valid.

С уважением

Cathay Pacific Airways Limited 

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