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LX-logoПожалуйста, обратите внимание на некоторые изменения в политике бронирования и выписки билетов SWISS для Российского рынка. Обратите внимание на дополнения, выделенные красным цветом.

Полная версия документа во вложении.

Booking & Ticketing Policies of SWISS

Overview of Changes – February 2014


The purpose of this document is to inform our agency partners about existing SWISS booking rules and main SWISS Ticketing Policies. The SWISS Ticketing policies are related to the sales, issuance of SWISS fares & documents, exchange/reissue, refund & other related topics.

We count on the cooperation of our business partners in adhering to these Policies which serve for mutual benefit of our customers.


Chapter “Name Changes/Name Corrections”

The full name and title of each passenger must be entered at the time of booking. A name change means that you replace the person by another person in your booking. Changes of family name or first name are not permitted within the same PNR. If change is needed, the original PNR must be cancelled and a new PNR must be created, however the booking class must be available. The old ticket must be refunded according to fare rules and a new ticket must be issued as per the actual applicable fare.

Name corrections (up to 2 letters) are only permitted if the customer name has been misspelled or to reflect legal documents. The name change restrictions do not apply for Group PNRs


General refund principle

Voluntary Refund means a refund of an unused ticket or portion thereof other than an involuntary refund. A refund notice for unused tickets or portion thereof shall be made in accordance with the following conditions:

- Voluntary refund of a ticket, sold on behalf of SWISS, shall be applied for by the agent according to the SWISS refund rules;

For Cancel/refund conditions apply the conditions mentioned in the fare note according to the date of issue.

Exception to the rule: in case of no-show for fares stating in fare note chapter 16: TICKET IS NON-REFUNDABLE IN CASE OF NO-SHOW the entire ticket is non-refundable and the definition (TICKET) in the fare note overrules the per fare component cancellation policy.

. Exchange Audit

international surcharge amounts and already used taxes refunded by mistake.

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