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Категория: Авиакомпании
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S4-logoУважаемые коллеги,

Сообщаем Вам, что согласно правил IATA, а/к SATA обновила ADM/ACM правила для BSP России.



On all ADM issuance SATA applies an administrative fee of RUB1175.00.

All settlement questions should be sent to the email shown in the ADM and up to the date present in the field – ADM Billing Period (e.g. 2014012 year/month/period), being subject to an administrative fee.

Once the time period for settling the ADM is over, SATA is entitled to not accept any justification.
If the dispute is accepted, regularization is made by ACM and it is charge the audit fee – 30% of the ADM value without the administration fee present in the ADM.

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