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С 1 июня 2019 года резолюция 830d IATA изменится и потребует от всех аккредитованных IATA агентов предоставлять авиакомпаниям контактную информацию клиентов для целей связи с авиакомпаниями во время нарушения работы.

Этот новый стандарт гарантирует, что клиент имеет доступ к актуальной и полезной информации во время нарушения работы.

On the 1st June 2019 IATA Resolution 830d will be changing to require all IATA accredited Agents to provide Airlines with customer contact information for the purposes of airline contact during operational disruption.

This new standard ensures that the customer has access to relevant and useful information during operational disruption. 

Resolution 830d can be found in the latest copies of the Passenger Agency Conference Resolutions within the Travel Agent’s Handbook (TAH). These are available at: https://www.iata.org/services/accreditation/travel-tourism/Pages/resolutions.aspx.

It is very important that travel agents build this new process into their procedures, and make frontline staff fully aware, for travel agents operating online platforms or self-booking tools, these requirements will need to be included in booking flows.

Agents will be required to:

  1. Actively ask each passenger “whether they wish to have their contact details (mobile number and/or email) provided to airlines participating in the itinerary for the purposes of contact in an operational disruption”.

  2. Where the passenger wishes to provide this information to airlines, the agent must enter there “in the PNR in compliance with the Resolutions governing reservations procedures.” This means the SSRs designed for this purpose as published in AIRIMP under the authority of Resolution 766.

  3. Where the passenger does not wish to do so, the Agent must “actively advise the passenger that they may not receive information from the airline relating to flight cancellation or schedule changes (including delay in departure) and include the negative response in the PNR”

British Airways and Iberia will be monitoring compliance with this policy and any Agent found not to be following the correct reservations procedures will be subject to appropriate action by the Airline.

If you have any questions that are not covered in the FAQ link below, please contact your account manager.

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British Airways